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Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society

Registered Charity number 1108962

The Society, originally called The Scarborough and District Archaeological Society, was founded in 1947 by a group of enthusiasts keen to preserve and research the rich archaeological inheritance of the area. Originally an excavating' society, over the years our activities have expanded.


Excavations and Fieldwork

Since 1947 much practical archaeological research has been carried out, including such important sites as Ayton Castle, Crossgates Romano-British settlement and Hatterboard Deserted Medieval Village. Our campaign of urban excavations in Scarborough gained national recognition in 1990 when we won the prestigious Pitt Rivers Award, given for the best project carried out in the UK by a voluntary body. We were runners-up for the award again in 2000. In 1995 we won a further national award from the Association for Industrial Archaeology for our project at Saltwick Alum Works.


See the Excavations section for a database of excavations carried out over the past 15 years and informaton about current work.



Lectures and meetings

Each autumn and winter we have a series of lectures on archaeological, historical or architectural subjects, including the spring Invitation Lecture given by a prestigious speaker to which other local history societies are invited. In summer we arrange more informal events, in conjunction with other organisations such as the Civic Society, the Library and Heritage Open Days. See the What's On section for our current programme of events.



Our formal aims are enshrined in our constitution and are:
To advance the education for the public benefit in the archaeological and local history of Scarborough and the surrounding area by the following:

  1. To increase and disseminate knowledge of and interest in the same.

  2. To undertake and support research into sites and archives of archaeological, architectural and historical interest, and the publication of the results of such researches.

  3. To encourage the identification, protection and preservation of such sites and archives.



The Society’s journal, Transactions, publishes articles on historical and archaeological research carried out in the local North Yorkshire area as well as excavation reports. Full members of the Society receive it as part of their membership fees; click here for information on purchase by non-members and subscription by institutions. A list of the contents of all issues of Transactions may be accessed here.

Books published by the Society include the recently heavily revised and re-imagined Rosedale Mines and Railway and a completely new work Scarborough At War by Stewart MacDonald.  See the Publications section for more information on the books and how to purchase copies.

75th Anniversary

In 2022 the Society celebrated it's 75th Anniversary with a series of events and activities around the town.  The Scarborough News carried an interview with Society President Trevor Pearson by Patrick Argent.  That article is kindly reproduced with permission of the Scarborough News and Patrick here.


Society Documents

The Society is a registered charity; our Constitution describes our aims and the rules by which the Society is run.


The following Annual Reports are also available to download in PDF format:



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Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society

Registered Charity Number 1108962


4c Dunslow Court, Eastfield, Scarborough YO11 3XT

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